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Socializing Adult Dogs

Socializing an adult dog that has had little to no social activity can be a daunting task. Breed behaviors and personal tendencies - not to mention superstitions can creep into your dogs learning patterns. do you start the process? DISTANCE. Oversaturating your dog can be stressful and hard on the handler, so if you take your dog to a comfortable distance and work your average command and control you should be able to inch closer. If you want social play and activity to be a part of a dogs life as an adult - expose them but dont drench them in the activity.

For instance, you want to play at the local dog park..........Arrive at the park, but keep your pup leashed and walk the perimeter of the fencing. Encourage dismissive behaviors and a focus on you and your commands. (like "come on, keep up.....lets walk) Also, it will help to have taken your dog on a healthy walk before hand.

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