How You Can Help on Thanksgiving
Hello Everyone! This year we are spending Thanksgiving with our friends at the Grayson Shelter again for the 2nd Annual Community Thanksgiving. We will be providing a wonderful dinner for the Shelter residents as well as providing meals for anyone in need from the hours of Noon to 3pm. The meals for everyone will be homemade and donated dishes, and we welcome anyone in need of a nice dinner to come take part and have fun with us. You do not have to donate to eat with us. We also have a goods drive for those that live outdoors or cannot secure housing - sleeping bags, blankets, hats, and coats, etc.
In our experience, here are the best ways to get involved and really lend a helping hand.
*Donate a homemade dish or dessert to The Shelter. There is a current dish list on the facebook page
*Donate a gently used or new blanket or sleeping bag to The Shelter.
*Donate time as a volunteer on Thanksgiving day. Early shift will set up and assist from 10 -1, late shift can help clean up and assist from 1 - 4. You do not need to stay the entire time, any help is appreciated. Remember we also try to deliver some meals to locations if we can.
*Donate goods to the shelter. If you bring canned or dry goods to the shelter - or hold a food drive, encourage a variety of foods. There generally is a lot of canned corn or green beans. But SPAM, canned meats, hamburger helper, tuna, etc are great alternatives to suggest to folks if you can.
*Invite people. Let folks know that we are giving FREE, hot, home cooked, meals to ANYONE who needs it. You do not have be homeless. My family will eat there, as well several other families who are there just to take part of a bigger event. Invite college kids and the elderly, and anyone else you think of.
Looking forward to seeing some of you there, and we always appreciate the help you give to make our community a better place. Sincerely, Thank You.